Comments on: On intersectional feminism: Stop me if you think that you’ve heard this one before. /2012/11/12/on-intersectional-feminism-stop-me-if-you-think-that-youve-heard-this-one-before/ A feminist pop culture adventure Mon, 17 Dec 2012 23:34:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Class, feminism and other intersections. « Velvet Coalmine /2012/11/12/on-intersectional-feminism-stop-me-if-you-think-that-youve-heard-this-one-before/#comment-16350 Mon, 17 Dec 2012 23:34:58 +0000 […] This is a now outdated post written for Bad Reputation. […]

By: Nancy /2012/11/12/on-intersectional-feminism-stop-me-if-you-think-that-youve-heard-this-one-before/#comment-12002 Mon, 12 Nov 2012 16:42:30 +0000 Thanks Rhian, v well said!

I was talking to someone who works in a community theatre environment just last week, and we were discussing the various government and charity initiatives that encourage young people (at whatever level) to get into arts-based jobs. I argued that it’s massively disingenuous to suggest hard work and one little boost through a sponsored post (even if it’s a year long) can solve the distinct lack of disparate voices in those roles. As you point out, those unpaid internships are of no material value to those whose parents can’t afford to support them for the years required to establish themselves in these fields.

I’d love for you to expound on what you think is a less harmful tactic, under the circumstances. Though I welcome diverse faces and voices in these arenas, I’m deeply uncomfortable at the individual cost of giving false hope.
