Comments on: What Does Feminism Look Like? /2011/03/07/what-does-feminism-look-like/ A feminist pop culture adventure Tue, 07 Apr 2020 16:35:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Little link round-up – Things As They Are /2011/03/07/what-does-feminism-look-like/#comment-532480 Tue, 07 Apr 2020 16:35:00 +0000 […] about its image, but this is an interesting post about feminism and imagery from Bad Reputation: What does feminism look like? The answer: kind of weird and […]

By: Little link round-up « Flaming Culture /2011/03/07/what-does-feminism-look-like/#comment-991 Tue, 12 Jul 2011 19:51:24 +0000 […] about its image, but this is an interesting post about feminism and imagery from Bad Reputation: What does feminism look like? The answer: kind of weird and […]

By: Tea Drinker /2011/03/07/what-does-feminism-look-like/#comment-990 Fri, 11 Mar 2011 21:40:49 +0000 The womb punch is quite popular amongst feminists! I’ve seen it used a lot. Just goes to show that we need some better images I guess. Great post.

By: Pet Jeffery /2011/03/07/what-does-feminism-look-like/#comment-989 Tue, 08 Mar 2011 09:47:28 +0000 I may be an old cynic, but what I’d have predicted for these images would’ve been misrepresentation, trivialisation and stereotyping. To be honest, I’m surprised that the results weren’t a lot worse.

One disappointing thing, though, is that I didn’t notice a single anti-rape image. Rape is not only an extremely serious issue, but one that might unite all women (and all men of good will) in recognising that something needs to be done to address the power imbalance between the sexes.

By: Miranda /2011/03/07/what-does-feminism-look-like/#comment-988 Tue, 08 Mar 2011 09:41:33 +0000 I cannot get over that image with the shoe, and the lips, and the silhouette dude-in-chains. Every time I look at this post my brain goes WHAT IS GOING ON. WHAT. WHAT IS THAT. I DON’T EVEN.


… yeah. I know it’s disturbing but it renders me insensible with laughter just looking at it. There’s so much going ON in it! It looks like someone’s GCSE Design & Technology coursework!

It wins the prize for “weirdest alt-text description we have yet had to figure out”.

By: Pet Jeffery /2011/03/07/what-does-feminism-look-like/#comment-987 Tue, 08 Mar 2011 09:29:44 +0000 In reply to Sarah J.

I agree that plenty of men (the majority of men, I think) would benefit from reducing sexual inequality. But there are winners and losers with any change, and when it comes to reducing inequality (of any kind) those with most to lose are rich and powerful. It’s unsurprising if corporate-controlled websites present feminism in ways with which we feel uncomfortable.

I’d prefer to talk of reducing inequality rather that achieving equality. I’m not sure that issues around sexual inequality can be confronted separately from the wider inequalities in society… they are all functions of the same patriarchy. Under Blair and Brown, Britain became an increasingly unequal place… and Cameron’s Britain seems to me an unpromising place to seek equality. We live in a society where some men (and I imagine that they are all men) receive bonuses several times the amount of money that will pass through my hands in my entire lifetime.

By: Sarah J /2011/03/07/what-does-feminism-look-like/#comment-986 Mon, 07 Mar 2011 14:02:19 +0000 In reply to Stephen B.

I know! I’d never really thought about it before but now I’ve seen it I can’t unsee it, like that duck/rabbit optical illusion.

Yeah, I think Flickr is better because it’s mostly still about people sharing pictures of their experiences rather than struggling to represent a concept, hence the scarcity of Attack Feminists and the large numbers of people giving presentations. Revolution by Powerpoint! :-)

By: Sarah J /2011/03/07/what-does-feminism-look-like/#comment-985 Mon, 07 Mar 2011 13:58:36 +0000 In reply to Lizzie B.

You’re quite right – I guess equality would mean the end of privilege, so the aims of feminism are a threat to masculine power. But there are plenty of men who would benefit from gender equality too, though that’s pretty rarely voiced.

But yeah, these pictures make it look like the GOAL of feminism is to humiliate and attack men. I can’t tell whether that’s what people really think or if that’s just a convenient way to portray it, probably a bit of both. Either way, when these violent pictures stack up it starts looking a wee bit hysterical!

By: Stephen B /2011/03/07/what-does-feminism-look-like/#comment-984 Mon, 07 Mar 2011 12:53:25 +0000 In reply to Lizzie B.

I’m seeing a lot of the attitude which was around the Alpha Male posts we made a while back ( ), where men (usually white American men) retaliated with extreme bile if a woman displayed ANY power over them at all. In that mindset, women talking about equality = forcing men at gunpoint.

I don’t know, the over-reaction looks a bit psychotic to me. It’s an unpleasant reminder of how far we have to go, even Europe/the US.

By: Lizzie B /2011/03/07/what-does-feminism-look-like/#comment-983 Mon, 07 Mar 2011 11:42:19 +0000 I don’t think that a lot of people get that the central theme of feminism is to raise women up to equal status rather than pull men down. I think a lot of men fear that the only way we will get equal status is to somehow destroy their status and then they get scared of feminism. These images are just appalling in their wrongness.
